Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It seems that in life, everybody looks for an emotional outlet. Something that they can plug themselves into and feel like they're doing useful or at least having some of their feelings validated. For some people it's music. For others it's a journal. Others still, it's a blog like this. I've not found out what my outlet is yet. I've been looking lately. I long for somewhere where I can carefully let loose the deepest fears and desires of my heart with the simplest thoughts grandest of ideas from my mind.

I was surprised to find that the antonym of music is silence. Yet, how appropriate. Often the thoughts of our minds find themselves trapped there in the silence of our brains. No room for an affirming word or a criticizing one. Music--whether it is performed or listened to--allows the floodgates of our emotions to release the encumbrance of our minds. The understanding of another human through song allows us a temporary sensory hegira that is, elsewhere, rather difficult to attain.