Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jell-O Fight.

Ever since I can remember, my extended family on my dad's side has held a big family reunion every couple years. The earliest one I can think of occurred when I was about four or five years old. On the second day of the reunion I was involved in one of the most magical events to grace this planet: A Jell-O fight. It is just what it sounds like. Imagine Braveheart meets Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 10 or 15 of the most glee-filled minutes you will ever experience.

Let's take a few steps back. The extravaganza begins with several hours of sticky preparation during which our favorite colorful snack is mixed and poured into sandwich-size baggies then strategically stacked in any available refrigerators within five square miles of the hosting hacienda.

The rules are as follows:

1. Each participant is allowed to be in possession of only one gelatin-filled baggie at a time and may, under no circumstances, have any extra baggies.

2. Recycling previously flung Jell-O (depending on amount of attached grass clippings) is worth 1000 bonus points.

3. Come in clothing that you don't mind becoming tie-dyed.

4. Hose off before you get in the pool. (Eyelids becoming eyelid, is inevitable)

5. Consuming bonus point Jell-O is discouraged.

6. Rules are for sissies.

*Should any member of the family feel obligated to bring their recently acquired boyfriend to said palooza, the rest of the family will feel obligated to tackle him and shove orange and green Jell-O up said boyfriend's nose.


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