Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Owuhn revisited. Weather: you like it or not? The West Wing.

Today in anthropology my day was made. As if Owuhn's disgust of others' WOW ignorance wasn't enough, today when i walked in and sat down he was, indeed, playing World of Warcraft on his laptop. Unfortunately, shortly after my arrival JB-C began the lecture and this splendiferous display was cut short.


*Unless you currently reside in Utah, in which case we ask that you disregard this season.

The creative juices are not flowing freely this evening. Terribly sorry.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How not to clean a blender.

Let's say one day you decide you want a smoothie. You make one and forget to rinse out the blender.
Let's say the next day you want a smoothie again but you don't want to scrub out the now caked on berries.
Let's say you think of this great alternative to scrubbing it all out.
Let's say that that alternative went a little something like this:
-fill blender with hot water
-add high concentration Joy dish soap
-place top tightly on blender
-turn blender on low
-realize that low isn't getting the job done and go full speed
Let's say you do all of this. Then let's say something goes terribly wrong.
Let's say that soap you put in became slightly volatile
Let's say when the soap turned into slightly volatile foam it expanded. fast.
Let's say that slightly volatile expanding foam blew the top off the blender and covered about 1/3 of the kitchen in lemony freshness

I'm just saying.


To whom it may concern,

For all of you gucci wearing, lip gloss lacquering, makeup caking, hair poofing, nostril bearing, lip puckering, too good to talk to anybody but abercrombie models ho bags out there, this one is for you.

Regardless of how gorgeous you may think you are, how trendy you may be or how much money you may have, if you have ever experienced any of the following experiences, i would like to let you know that, in actuality, to a person such as myself, you are nearly as attractive as an obese man with a handlebar mustache.

-if you are too good to respond to the girl next to you when she asks what the teacher last said because you are 'in the middle of an important text'

-if you feel so inclined to walk into class ten minutes late then expect five people to move for you so that you can save a spot for your 'girlfriend' who is running late because she was having a hard time 'getting the right bounce' in her hair

-if you flip your hair when you walk by one of the clearly marked members of a university athletic team

-if your hair is bleached blonde

If you feel that you fit into this group please chisel the makeup off your face, put daddy's credit card down and try being human for a day.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Concerning the techno high.

All too often i find myself sitting on the deep chocolate brown couches in my family room facebooking, texting, watching tv (most likely the discovery channel), and possibly attempting to do homework. Although this multitasking monstrosity is less than effective for getting homework done, i hope that one day i will be able to apply this method to other areas of my life.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, technology overload. and i like it.

the blog+
celebrity boxing=
techno high. yeeah.


Now youre blogging. I like parentheses. Owuhn.

This is my first post. Superb, i know.

On monday i had the the fantastic opportunity to attend anthropology with a man i call OWUHN (OverWeight, UnderHeight gNome). While Joan Brenner-Coltrain (our rather interesting professor whom i have yet to ask about the joint name) was learning us up about the sexual dimorphism (physical differences in males and females) of certain primates, she brought up a slide of several couples of mythological-looking creatures. Says Coltrain, "These creatures illustrate the concept of sexual dimorphism. I'm not too sure what they are or where i got them though." --excitement alert: those of you with heart problems may want to go read a more relaxing blog-- Exclaims Owuhn, "Puh! World of Warcraft. What else?"
-awkward silence
-a single chuckle
-uproarious laughter
Says the boy who sits next to me that i do not know, "Everybody knew, they just didnt want to say." Just you and Owuhn, bud. Thats a good name for him. He's Bud now.
From then on, i remember nothing from the class except aftershock laughter and "be ready for the test next time!" -crap.
