Monday, October 5, 2009

If you have not yet heard.

On the evening of Friday October 2nd, i checked into Boulder Community Hospital in Boulder Colorado after sustaining a severe concussion while playing in a rugby game against CU.

That game went a little something like this.

While in the second half i tackled somebody or ran into them or something, i don't reallly remember. After running into them my head hurt and i began developing i blue haze in the lower half of my field of vision. I had experienced a phenomena similar to this a few years prior so i thought nothing of it. Unfortunately for me, after a while, instead of just remaining a blue haze and a headache like it had done in the past, it turned into more like a blue screen over about 2/3 of my vision. Then another surprise. I went to tackle an opponent carrying the ball, dove out and, expecting to hit body, was surprised to feel nothing but my opponents jersey in my fingertips. I was about six feet away from him when i dove. It turns out that my depth perception had gone into a bit of lapse. I couldnt tell how close or far objects or people were--not good in a game involving both flying balls and people moving at high velocity. The game ended with out anymore incident and i politely asked one of my teammates to help me over to the sideline (by that i mean i sort of fell into his arms-no homo). After sitting with the trainers and answering questions like "where are you?" "how old are you?" "whens your birthday" and "can you recite the days of the week in reverse order?" I remembered asking for a blessing then promptly throwing up on the ground next to that upon which i was sitting. The next bits of memory are a bit jumbled to say the least. I remember being in the car on the way to the hospital but i dont remember getting into the car or who was driving. I have a vague memory of trying to cuddle with one of the team trainers but i am unable to confirm nor deny the truthfulness of said memory. I then remember trying to get out of the car but don't remember actually doing it. The next three hours were spent in the emergency room and of which i have no recollection whatsoever. I was told that it was rather horrific and i am thus very greatful that i do not remember any of it. After my happy time in the ER i was given 5mg of morphine, calmed down and quielty fell asleep. Two of my uncles--Lee and Bill-- then gave me a blessing. There were several points during these late night and early morning hours that i remember seeing glimpses of my aunts and uncles, team trainers, team mom, and nurses. At around 2:30 am i came to a more complete state of consciousness only to go into more pain, receive more morphine and go back into a drug-induced sleep. When i came to again at about an hour later i sat and chatted with my dear aunt brenda, called my parents (who had been driving since they heard about the incident about 830 the night before), urinated in a bottle resembling a milk carton with a large hole in the top, then, at the mercy of yet another injection of morphine, i fell asleep. Upon waking i found that my family had arrived. It was about 5 am. When the PA finally got around to me i had been injected with 10 mg of morphine and i still had a headache. He decided to give me Vicadin instead to see if it would work. It did. From then on the story gets less and less exciting. Met with an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, a physical therapist, all of which said i was in ship shape. Ate, drank and showered for the first time in 24 hours. Checked out of the hospital and into the Best Western in preparation for my drive home on sunday.
