Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reasons i love my sister today

Reason #1

Ever since i was a little kid, my sister and i have made it a tradition to, on the first snow of the season, lean backwards out of our sliding glass door with mouths open wide in hopes of catching a a snowflake on our outstretched tongue.

Today at school i received a text from said dearly beloved sister, riley. It read,

'Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to hng out the back door and catch a snowflake on your tongue. This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds.'

She is 23. I am 18. Will still do it every year.

Reason #2

Tonight Ri came over for dinner, (which is weird for me to say because she just barely moved out), and after we had washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen we were chatting and indulging in some Honey Crisp apples. Once finished i walked past my sister and, while lifting the leg closest to her, flatulated. She turned to glare at me and then in response belched. 'Touche,' I said. We laughed.
